The short information on tha commune
Important for a tourist
Wolności Square 1, 57 –530 Międzylesie
tel. 074 812 63 47, 074 812 63 27
fax 074 812 61 26;
REGON: 890718136
NIP: 8811037024
INFORMATION DESK Wolności Square 15, tel. 074 812 6343
THE MUNICIPAL INFORMATION CENTRE Wolności Square 1, tel. 074 812 59 36
POST OFFICE Powstańców Śląskich Street 7 , tel. 074 812 63 81
accommodation for the night
THE „SUKIENNICE” INN Wojska Polskiego Street 4, tel. 074 812 65 35
THE “ZAMEK” INN Wolności Square 42, tel. 074 812 64 85
SUKIENNICE Wojska Polskiego Street 4, tel. 074 812 65 35
„FILIP” BAR Wolności Square 2
„MAJA” BAR Wolności Square 40
TENTED FIELD Wojska Polskiego Street 26
SWIMINGPOOL Kościelna Street, te. 074 812 66 12
SPORTS FIELD Kościelna Street
PHARMACY „POD SŁOWIKIEM” („UNDER NIGHTINGALE”) Wolności Square 17, tel. 074 812 64 20
FAMILY OUTPATIENT CLINIC Powstańców Śląskich Street 8, tel. 074 812 63 77
POLICE STATION in Międzylesie Graniczna Street 1, tel. 074 812 63 07
VOLUNTARY FIRE-BRIGADE Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego Street, tel. 074 812 64 30
VET Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego Street, tel. 074 812 63 79
Weekdays 4.00 p.m., 5.30 p.m.
sundays & church holidays 8.00 a.m., 11.00 a.m., 12.00, (5.00 p.m. in summer)
Short history of Międzylesie:
The town is situated at height of 435 - 470 m over the sea level, by the road from Kłodzko to Karliki in the Czech Republic, by the Nysa Kłodzka River at the south end of Nysa’s Ditch at the Wysotczyzna Międzyleska. Międzylesie is surrounded by Bystrzyckie Mountains and the Śnieżnik Massif. According to tradition Międzylesie was founed by one of the Czech princes. The land of Międzylesie was set up in 1264. Historians posses a document prepared in Prague in 1294, wherein Czech king Wacław II transfered the land and town to a Cistercian Order from Kamieniec Ząbkowicki, preceding this by town location based on German law from the same year.
At the turns of the years 1315 and 1316 Międzylesie along with its lands were bought from Cistercians by Otton von Gloubos. During the rule of family of Gloubos (1358) for the first time it was mentioned about functioning in the town benches with meat, bread and fish, conducting the licence of beer, vodka and developing trade.
Ater Otton’s death lands of Międzylesie was shared between his three sons in 1358 . The lands along with the town were given to Otto Schram, and after his death, his son Wolfhard.
The Hussite Wars finished the period of ruling of Gloubos family and they were removed from their lands. The wars destroyed the town complately in 1428.
In the years 1519 – 1523 the lands of Międzylesie were rented by von Tschirinhaus; since 1551 his descendants became owners of many years. During the rule of Tschirinhaus family confirmed the town’s crest and renewed town’s rights.
In the years 1600 – 1618 in the town were built a parish church of Corpus Christi, Saint Barbara’s Church, a town hall and a school. In 1643 Swedish army complatetly burnt the town.
In 1653 Międzylesie lands were purchased by an Ausrtian county von Althan; his successors rebuilt St. Barbara’s Church, parish church and the school.
Thanks to pursuing pro – Prussia policy in the years 1750 – 1807, the town experienced great economic developement. This development was based on local weaver's industry, which was placed mostly in domestic workshops. The main manufacturer and organizator of the trade was the family of Ludwig.
The Napolean Wars and their consequences were the main reason of economic slump. Other activities, which were alternative to weaving were developed; new guilds like bricklayers and stonemasons arised.
In the years 1827 – 1833 a causeway between Wroclaw and Wiedeń was built, and in 1875 a railyway line between Wrocław, Prague and Wienna was led, new industrial plants were set up.The beginng of The Great Economic Slump in 1929 – 1933 caused closing majority of plants, and the town started to become deserted. During the Second World War inhabitians worked for the needs of war, but Międzylesie wasn’t destroyed much.
After 1945 Międzylesie was settled again and it didn’t lose its town’s rights. Firstly in Międzylesie was a department of magistrate, and from 1975 – a residence of cuncil of municipality. Currently Międzylesie has a chance to be an important tourist – holiday center wih regards to attractive location and landscape adventages.